10 lies you will hear before your dream becomes reality .
It’s safer to stay at your day job. – Sure, But will it make you grow as a person And If we talking about being safe . . Do you know what’s even safer than go to a day job that's not your dream ? Going home, locking yourself in your bedroom, and never, ever coming out. . Remember, safer doesn’t always mean better.
That’s impossible! – It’s only impossible if you never do anything about it. If you truly dedicate yourself to an end result, almost anything is possible . You just have to want it bad enough. Dedicate all your life to it .
Only a lucky few “make it.” – That’s because those lucky few got off asses of the sofa and did something about it! They had the drive, determination, and willpower . You can be one of them. It’s up to you, and only you.
You might fail. And failing is bad. – Failures are simply stepping stones to success. Either you succeed after failure or you learn something. Win-Win. If you can’t handle failure, then you can’t handle success either.
You don’t have access to the right resources. – Stevie Wonder couldn’t see, so he exploited his sense of hearing into a passion for music, and he now has a couple of Grammy Awards to prove it. Just saying .
You need more money saved before you can take the first step. – You don’t need more money. You need a plan. differents things ! Eliminate ALL the nonessential costs in your life. , ask yourself, “What actions can I take right now with the money and resources I have right now that will bring me closer to desired goal?”
You don’t need any help. It’s smarter to go after it alone. – If you hang with the wrong people, they will negatively affect you. But if you hang with the right people, you will be far more capable and powerful than you ever could have been alone. Find people that inspires you and keep them close .
That sounds like a lot of hard work. – You couldn't be more right ,it does! But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it. Something worth having never comes easy . It will give you tears , happiness and a lot of other emotions . But just keep working trough does tears . It will pay off .