And we have a winner : .... You won the to die for bikini super daisy !

Nathalie Fust i Allmänt
The winner comment ( Swedish ) :
Grym tävling!! Hade supergärna velat Sugar daisy i storlek M
I detta väder så hade det varit en grym motivation hehe :P Har verkligen totalt förlorat träningsmotivationen och skulle verkligen behöva få någon typ av motivation igen och denna bikini vore ju perfekt :D [email protected] 
( translated ) : Awsome competition ! I really want to win th Sugar Daisy bikini in size m . In this kind of weather it would have been a really good motivation to win this competition . I have lost my training motivation and really need some new kind of motivation to get back on track . And this bikini would be perfect for that !
Grattis ! /Congrats Sandra Liljestedt ! Hope you feel that this bikini can get you on the right track again . I know it can be hard to find motivation to workout . The Swedish weather dosent help very much from falling of the track . Remember that you can do a lot of workouts at home when the weather is not that apiling to you . Right now its raining in Los Angeles and I am thinking :  NO WAY ! I am  not going out for a run in that ! Does it stops me from training ? nope ! mother nature will not stop me . ( LOL )
So I will do a workout at home . If you need some inspiration for that check my videofyme or go to youtube and search on what part of the body you want to work on and there will come up a lot of videos ! And if you want any help from me . Just tell me on email [email protected]

:( buhu

2014-02-28 @ 18:57:05

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