Do you really think the vending machine is a good idea ?

Nathalie Fust i Allmänt
This is a few tip to not over eat when its time for breakfast , or what you not should start your day with . Make good choices and give your body the right nutrition to be able to run all day without that you blood sugar is jumping up and down
Think before you bite
Think before you take the bite of the white bread . Stop, get centered, take a deep breath, and focus on your health goals,"  Which is better: the taste of a muffin or the feeling of reaching your goals? Often people just rush throw breakfast and can barley remember what they ate or how much .
Don't get fooled by the juice
You may think the juice box whit a nice look that makes you think : Orange is good for you  and a great way to start your day, . But don't get fooled by the outside . Many store-bought varieties are packed with sugar. A better idea may be to have a glass of water and eat the orange itself: Whole fruit offers you all the vitamins and minerals of the juice, along with good  fiber that can help tame hunger.
Skip the sugary food .
Sugary cereals, toaster pastries, bagels, and cinnamon rolls are tempting, but they're likely to cause a spike in blood sugar, followed by a low-energy crash and hunger
Go easy on adding extra  .
It's what you add to coffee that can add pounds and inches .Sugar, flavored syrups, whipped cream, and half-and-half can turn a simple cup of coffee into a real calorie-bomb, and if you have one or more each day, those calories will add up. Coffe is best the basic way or with a little almond milk  .
Be ready
If you're often in a rush to get to work and skip breakfast ( YOU SHOULD HAVE TIME FOR BREAKFAST ), stock up on healthy snacks. "The key to healthy eating is planning ahead. Have some almonds in your car for example .
watch out for the machine
 they're high in fat and calories, a handful of peanuts from the vending machine  or the donute is never a good idea , Just walk past the damn machine  ."
Don't rely on bars
Granola and breakfast bars often serve as quick on-the-go meals. Easy and comfortable right ? , but many of them have as many calories as dessert! "Most commercial granola bars are basically oatmeal cookies in disguise, with a lot more sugar than you need,"
Don't skip it
Even if you wake up feeling full from the night's dinner, try to get your body a  little something in the a.m. Keep this in mind :, you haven't had any nourishment since you went to bed. Skipping meals can cause your metabolism to slow down, So even if yesterdays dinner still makes you full . Eat a little something til you get your hunger back.
Waters is the king
ALWAYS drink 1 glass before you eat your breakfast . That will help you take away the extra hunger and make you eat less .
Todays breakfast :
Brownrice ricecake , avocado , celleri/apple/strawberry salad with some peanutbutter , 1 protein super green pancake.

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