First day at the spring semester and why we dont like busses
Nathalie Fust i Allmänt
Wednesday : I know it was 2 days ago , I am not lost . I just haven't felt like writing so much the last 2 days . Just posted something small that will keep my readers interested . Like how you keep your dreams a live even if people say something like : you need a safer job , you don't have the right basic for it . Hope you liked the post about it . But now time for the thing I want to tell you today .
My first College day for the semester spring 2014 started 9.30 on Wednesday . I am so glad I didn't made the big mistake like I did last semester . Do start my day 8 am everyday . That means I needed to take the bus 6.20 from our apartment . And as you all know . I love to train in the morning to wake up and I also need my recovery sleep because of my active life. There was no way that I could both get the sleep I needed if I had to go up 4 am to train . So I had to skip it and walking to school like a zombie .
So this semester I start 9.30 instead of 8 am . So much better ! And I also just have school Monday and Wednesday .
My first class is psychology :the science of mind and behavior
I love my teacher . Finally a teacher that caught my attention . Actually I only got good teachers this semester . So thank good for that .
Why I choosed this class : I always wanted to read about why people act or do things . What are on their mind . I have read many books about motivation with mind power . So I think psychology can be a really good thing for me to understand as an artist . To be able to read and understand mine and others thoughts . Are they just thinking about their self ? why do I act like this when I get unsure ... and so on .
second class is an nutrition class : Its a basic nutrition class . I already done it in Swedens so that's a little bit boring . Why I choosed a basic nutrition class is because you need to read step 1 to be able to read any other nutrition classes . Next semester I am choosing nutrition for athletes . But of course is going back to the basic a good thing . You can always learn something new . Our first homework is to write down a food diary . Will be so fun to see rest of the class diaries . specially a guy who said : If the only thing I eat is a lot of hot dogs . Do I need to say how much ketchup I have on it .
Dance history : I have this class with my ballet teacher from Santa Monica . So nice to have one teacher you recognize . So I know how she works and how she want the essays to look like .
Why : I never thought about how important it is to now the background of your passion . That can actually make you see things and understand your passion better .
Health : we are going to learn about what is health and what the things are that affect them For exemple drugs , addictions , social thing , personal and so on .
why : I love reading about health .
After school I was supposed to record a Music video for Sean Kingstone and his new song . I now know why everyone tells you that you need an car . I took the buss for 5 hours and didn't come to the recording place . So no music video for me because of the stupid buss ride . And I Took the buss 1 hour earlier to not be late . AND I AM NOT THAT TYPE OF DANCER THAT IS COMING LATE ! THATS RUDE ! So I called the one person that gave me this music video and told her about the situation .
So my Wednesday had mixed feelings....
But know its Friday and I have a lot to do .. Just had my phone meeting with the best person I have met in Los angeles or I would say in the whole world `= Adam Parson