Happy valentines : to give someone/something your time is more worth than any present or money in the world .
Nathalie Fust i Allmänt
Happy Valentines day ! I wish everyone a good day and that you can spend it with people you love and appreciate in your life . Tell them why you are happy to have them in your life. I don't have a special person in my life to share this morning with . But I am happy for having myself and what I have done in my life . That I have a whole body that I can do all these amazing things with. I am happy that I have the opportunities to work on my goals , I am happy to wake up in a country I dreamed about when I was little and love to live in . But the thing that beats everything is to have dance in my life .
Can not imagine that I was so close to give up because people around me told me I am a good dancer but should have it as a job . Dance is such a unsure business to work in . Its hard to get much money in that business . WHO CARES ABOUT MONEY ! when you can wake up and feel happy that you are going to work and to what you love . Would you rather go to a work you hate and makes you miserable , just to get that extra numbers on your bank account . I agree that life is easier when you have money , but it doesn't make you happier . It only makes you fake happy . I want to be happy with things in my life that makes me smile in the morning and jump of the bed .
So instead of spending a lot of money on valentines . I think you should do a gesture to the ones you love in your life or do something today that you love for showing yourself love . This day is about showing appreciates to someone or to yourself . Not about how much chocolate heart and roses you can buy .
I remember a Valentine's Day extra much . It was when I was in the second year in high school. A guy friend turned out to like me a little more than a friend. When I came home from my dance lessons in Ice cold and frozen Vasteras . I saw that I had received a red envelope in the mailbox. I was surprised because I never used to get letters. Especially none that were handwritten on the front. Nathalie fust. it was just my name on the envelope so the person has been walking in the snow to leave it in my mailbox. When I opened it , it fell out rose leaves and in it , it was a handwritten letter. He told me I was a great friend but he had discovered that he had more emotion than that. He wrote all the things he liked about me. It was a clean boost of positivity. Even if I hadn't the same feelings for this guy it made me smile . This letter showed me that the most simple letter can make you smile more than any money in the world . Another person have taken time to write this letter with all of these kind words about me . And to give someone/something your time is more worth than any present or money in the world .
So valentines is about spending your time with someone that means a lot for you . It can be your family , boyfriend , friends or just spending time on the things you love to do in your life .
My plans today : I am going to finish up my amazing cup of coffe , shower and then spend hours in a dancestudio . Tonight I am spending my night with my lovely friends I have got to know here in Los Angeles . Good food , vine and a lot of chatting and laughing .
To ends this post I am going to share Kyle Hanagamis last video . This video is all about helping others in needs . Take a look and support this amazing choreographer .
Julia hansson
aknar dig massor och hade du vart här/jag varit där hade vi firat tillsammans. Kyle kommer tills verige nästa vecka och håller workshops!!! Nu kör vi!!sjuk för tillf'llet .. igem.. men så jävla taggad på att bli Sveriges bästa dansare.. till och med tatuerat in "never give up your Dream" .. vilket jagb aldrig kommer göra!!!!!!!!!
ta hand om dig.. Skype på torsag??
nathalie fust