Talking like a crazy girl in the mirror .

Nathalie Fust i Allmänt
Sunday , sunday , sunday ! People often thinks that's the most boring day of the week . I actually like Sundays . That's the day I prepare for a new week .  I plan the next weeks plans . Preapre meals for does day I am going to be rushing around like a maniac . I do the last things I need to do at my homeworks . Looks an extra time so I don't have been missing something important . I also look up what dance classes I am going to take .
I also use my Sundays to have some extra motivations talk with myself . I see what I wanna do this week , this month , this years and what I need to do to come there. I boost my mentally strength .
Some of you may think its silly to talk with yourself and I thought the same to.  You don't need to shout out , you can talk inside your head . I started to take a few minutes and look myself in the mirror and really look at myself . Why `? Because that's one of my biggest step I need to take . I hate looking at myself in the mirror .
Yes I am a dancer and are in a dance studio almost every day . But I never looked directly at myself in the mirror . I look with that blurred look so I only can se my body and face blurry . So I really need to work on that . To see myself in the mirror and use it to be a better dancer . I also need to understand that the girl in the mirror is not me . Its just an reflection of the REAL girl that standing in the room , and the girl who is standing in the room is way more important.
How do you want your photo album to look like ?
Lets talk about the motivation talk to yourself again .

( )According to a small new study, a little motivational self-talk makes a big difference when it comes to increasing endurance and reducing perceived levels of exhaustion.

In the study, 24 people completed two cycling tests. The first time around, they were asked to pedal at 80 percent of their "peak power output" for as long as they could stand it. Then they had two weeks off, during which one group of cyclists were given some specific training in strategic self-talk. At the second test, those participants used their new cheerleading skills, and significantly lengthened their time on the bike. Plus, they reported feeling like they weren't working as hard, according to the study, published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.

Mantras have long been deemed an effective sports psychology tool, Runner's World points out, but this study is the first to show the direct link between repeating one and pushing through.

So go ahead, talk to yourself on the treadmill or in the saddle. Just make sure to be nice.


Try to do it every day ! Talk to yourself , motivate yourself to reach does goal you gave in you back head . Dreams can be reality if you keep your mind clear , focused and motivated .


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