to get more energy from a diet and the body challenge
Nathalie Fust i Allmänt
Yesterday was a really fun dance day . That's because I took a class with Adam Parson at Edge Performing arts . Adam Parsons classes are always fun even if you fuck up pretty much the whole choreography . Actually I never have a sad face when his classes are done . I only have the motivation to keep going and work at the things I didn't do quit right .
Before I went to bed yesterday . I looked on dance clip on youtube and planed the next step in my dietplan . By the way , I think some of you got it wrong . I don't do any hardcore diet to lose weight .
I just change by dietplan to see what I can do to get out more of my dance classes and get more energy trough the day .
Today :
1 morning hike in Runyon Canyon and day 6 on the 30 days body challenge . Day 6 means - 75 squats , 75 side lounges on each leg , 75 hip raises on ball , 90 sec outturn plank on the ball .
14 push ups , 14 dips ( did it on the balance ball today ), 90 sec triceps push in on the ball , 90 sec boxing
90 sec plank , 180 sec side bicycle ( 90 sec on each leg , 45 sec back and 45 sec forward ) , 90 sec moving plank .
Today I went hardcore and had my weight vest on = 4 pounds more on my body
Todays plan :
1-2.30 jazz with Melissa Miles EDGE
4.00-5.30 jazz funk with nico oconnor EDGE
Then I need to go to the bank and 1 vitamin store . Need som stuff for my new diet plan . If you feel like you need help with your dietplan to get more energy , lose weight , get ready for beach 2014 . Mail me : [email protected]