Wanna spend money on drugs or good organic food ?
Nathalie Fust i Allmänt
Get healthy with nutrition and not drugs . I have always being against drugs . All kind of pills that the doctors will tell you is good for you .
Doctor : this will take the pain away !
But the question is ; for how long ?
Maybe it will take the pain away for a while . But in a couple of hours you are going to complain about the pain again . Take another pill and you will be sooner or later be addictive to eat . Just like the drugs companies want . Because if you do get healthier , they will not sell and earn money on it . So why would they want you to get better when they can get a lot of money from your pocket because you don't feel like you can live without it .
1 pill will help you with 1 problem . Just 1 problem in your whole body . When you go to the doctor you often have more than 1 problem that its bothering your body . So why take pills and drugs that only will help you with one symptoms .
Good nutrition with vitamins will help you a lot more . vitamins are multifunctional . For example vitamin c is good for
Helps the immune system is functioning normally
Protects cells against oxidative stress
Reduces fatigue and exhaustion
Increases iron absorption
Contributes to normal energy metabolism
Contributes to normal collagen formation including affects the skin
Protects cells against oxidative stress
Reduces fatigue and exhaustion
Increases iron absorption
Contributes to normal energy metabolism
Contributes to normal collagen formation including affects the skin
Good nutrition will help you with a lot more than jus a pill that also is a lot of toxic and take more energy from your body to just take up the "good" from the pill.
So why take a pill that helps you with one pill and also will take your money in your pocket because you will be addicted to you . instead of save money and eat good food that are not destroyed by toxic and have a lot of vitamins and minerals that will boost your body and give you energy for the whole day and your whole life .
Your body has an amazing ability to heal itself . The only thing you need to do its to give it the right tools . So your only responsibility is to boost your body's own healing mechanism , by choosing the right nutrition .
Lifestyles diseases is the worst kind of diseases . To much food , to much drugs , to much toxic and also to little physical activity is the worst thing you can do to yourself .
I know a lot of people thinks it so expensive to eat and live healthy . But if you really thinking about it , it's actually not . It may seems like that when you see the prices on the organic foods at the stores . But if you look at it in the long term its much cheaper to give your body the best nutrition than have you eating a lot of pills or laying on the surgery table because you haven't treated your body the best .
So you choose if you want to spend money on healthy good and amazing food now . Or if you want to spend the money on pills and maybe surgery in the end that you shouldn't pay for in the first place .
The best food ever is the basic . 51 % of your diet should be raw food and plant based .